Therapy Services

What we Offer
We currently offer individual, family and group EMDR sessions for birth trauma for mothers and their family. We recognise that partners can also be affected by a traumatic birth and can include them in group and individual sessions.
Group EMDR Sessions
We aim to make the groups feel safe, nurturing and supportive. The focus of the group is to discuss the psychological impact of the birth rather than the details of what happened. The group involves the following:
· Learning about birth trauma.
· Simple strategies to manage symptoms.
· Self-care and relaxation.
· Processing the memory of the birth.
· Reflections and hopes for the future.
After learning about birth trauma and strategies to manage trauma symptoms, the members of the group will process their individual trauma memories together using EMDR by self-administering either eye movements or taps as guided by the group therapist. The session will end with relaxation for everyone to leave feeling calm. Some parts of the session are likely to feel emotionally challenging. To be suitable for the group you need to be aware of, and willing to experience strong feelings and difficult thoughts associated with the trauma in a group setting. The process can be intense but strong feelings and painful thoughts will last for a relatively short amount of time.
We offer the following groups:
· Butterfly Hugs EMDR for birth trauma group for mothers
· Butterfly Hugs EMDR for birth trauma group for couples
Individual and Family EMDR Sessions
We currently offer individual and family EMDR sessions for birth trauma. These sessions could involve the mother and partner attending sessions individually and/or a couple attending sessions together and bringing their baby.
Initially we would complete an assessment session to understand the presenting difficulties and make a plan for treatment.